In a galaxy near you, Toy World Sweden has decided to present the Star Wars saga from episode 1 to 9, with 24 one-minute episodes, filmed directly among the exhibition figures and ships from vintage to today. A film by Allan Gutheim. Music from Allan Gutheim's albums Game 1 & Game 2.

Release 1-24 DEC 2021 by Toy World Sweden on YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and

Part 1 of 24: The Trade Federation Flagship/The Surface of Naboo (SW Episode 1: The Phantom Menace).

[Release date: 1/12-2021]

Part 2 of 24: The Podrace at Tatooine (SW Episode 1: The Phantom Menace).

[Release date: 2/12-2021]

Part 3 of 24: Mos Espa at Tatooine/Jedi High Council at Couruscant/Galactic Senate at Couruscant (SW Episode 1: The Phantom Menace).

[Release date: 3/12-2021]

Part 4 of 24: Gungans vs. Trade Federation at Naboo (SW Episode 1: The Phantom Menace).

[Release date: 4/12-2021]

Part 5 of 24: Theed Hangar at Naboo (SW Episode 1: The Phantom Menace).

[Release date: 5/12-2021]

Part 6 of 24: Outlander Nightclub/Dexter’s Diner at Couruscant/Kamino/Geonosis/Geonosian War Room (SW Episode 2: Attack of the Clones).

[Release date: 6/12-2021]

Part 7 of 24: Geonosian Arena (SW Episode 2: Attack of the Clones).

[Release date: 7/12-2021]

Part 8 of 24: Hangar Duel at Geonosis/Secret Ceremony at Naboo (SW Episode 2: Attack of the Clones)/Utapau (SW Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith).

[Release date: 8/12-2021]

Part 9 of 24: Decisive Duel at Couruscant/Mustafar/Anakin Skywalker Becomes Darth Vader/Separation of the Twins (SW Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith).

[Release date: 9/12-2021]

Part 10 of 24: Star Destroyer/The Ambassador Ship/Death Star Briefing (SW Episode 4: A New Hope).

[Release date: 10/12-2021]

Part 11 of 24: Tatooine/Mos Eisley/The Cantina (SW Episode 4: A New Hope).

[Release date: 11/12-2021]

Part 12 of 24: Millennium Falcon (SW Episode 4: A New Hope).

[Release date: 12/12-2021]

Part 13 of 24: Death Star/Medal Ceremony (SW Episode 4: A New Hope).

[Release date: 13/12-2021]

Part 14 of 24: Hoth/Echo Base/Battle of Hoth (SW Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back).

[Release date: 14/12-2021]

Part 15 of 24: Dagobah/Cloud City at Bespin (SW Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back).

[Release date: 15/12-2021]

Part 16 of 24: Jabba the Hutt Palace (SW Episode 6: Return of the Jedi).

[Release date: 16/12-2021]

Part 17 of 24: Sarlacc Pit at Tatooine (SW Episode 6: Return of the Jedi).

[Release date: 17/12-2021]

Part 18 of 24: Emperor Arrives/Final Duel (SW Episode 6: Return of the Jedi).

[Release date: 18/12-2021]

Part 19 of 24: Endor (SW Episode 6: Return of the Jedi).

[Release date: 19/12-2021]

Part 20 of 24: Jakku/Starkiller Base/Ahch-To (SW Episode 7: The Force Awakens).

[Release date: 20/12-2021]

Part 21 of 24: Snoke's Throne Room/Crait (SW Episode 8: The Last Jedi).

[Release date: 21/12-2021]

Part 22 of 24: Pasaana (SW Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker).

[Release date: 22/12-2021]

Part 23 of 24: Sith Citadel on Exegol (SW Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker).

[Release date: 23/12-2021]

Part 24 of 24: Behind the Scenes.

[Release date: 24/12-2021]

Allan Gutheim